It's been so long! D: I was really occupied with so many activities during the one week holidays that I did not get the chance to update! ): Went shopping, and shopping and party, and party and lepak ,and lepak
so yeah, hahaha :)
And so , Saturday and Sunday was like my most long awaited days ever! But Monday wasn't =.= School starts again on Monday and I have exams right after the holiday, wth. The school must be thinking having the exams later is too mainstream that the want to have the exams right after the school holiday ._.
Oh please, It's Add maths and Physics! It's so torturing! D:
But anyway, I gave up half way during add maths test, literally I did ,_,
Animangaki this year was held at Sunway Pyramid Convention hall. Up stair Asian Avenue! :3 So much to talk about! :3
If you had read my earlier post, I said I'll cos as Megurine Luka, Just Be Friends version.
In case you don't know her, thats her c:
Ohkay fine, thats the chibi version. So it's super cute. Haha
And yeah, thats Megurine Luka :)
And hereeee.. you see Luka in human form . LOl
For your information, this character supposed to be tall BUT I'm Short. ._. oh well . xD hahaha
I look like a flower princess! yay. cheh haha
Oh btw, instagram picture! c:
Thats Zerrick beside me c: SUPER LIKE him as Ichigo! :D Hahaha
I got to met my twin on that day :3 There was actually triplets D: But one of them were cold towards me... eee ):
So anyway, there..
the girl on the right is Grace! :) Got to be her new friends and omg she's Friendly max! xoxo
Photoshoot together :)
Urghh.. the Hand wrist entrance ticket thing spoiled the picture ):
I also took a few shots with @hermanphotography :D He had a studio there on that day ! :3
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Oh! and I Loveeee Augustine's New Pencil! :3
Met Belle and she was like .. OMG me ( in a good way ) Hahahaha
Sorry with this not smiling picture :P was being photogenic xD cheh LOL
Saw this guy with Huge head and I WANT ONE huge head tooo :3 HAHA weee wee weee
:3 LOL
Boo, It EATS you up.
So damn cool sia ! Spirited away~ ~ ~ It was really the tallest cosplay there and really capture attention easily. Lol
2nd day of Animangaki :)
Woke up early and get ready :D my stupid false eyelash kept irritate my eyes until I had to put them on several times ._. so annoying. Ish
I'm Yui from Angel Beats for the 2nd day! :3
And because she's super hyper and cheerful and cute and adorableeee... I'll have to be Just like Her! :) yay
* comparison of the cosplay *
Look alike? :P hehehe
This shot was super random. I wasn't really ready actually :P Haha
Well, I'm still waiting for the nice photos in Zerrick's Camera.. He didn't upload it T^T He said he'll pass the pictures to me through Leon.. So i'll have to wait~~ Nuuuu... ): I'll upload it once I have it ;P
Btw, I saw this super cute guy :3
He is Cute. :3 Rearly. If he actually read my caption. He must be really disappointed. LOL
cuz I'm guessing he would prefer if I say 英俊 or ''suai'' . Hahaha ._. hmmm
LOL.. Just before i wanted to write: ''But If any of you know him. Let me Know ohkay c: '' Someone gave me his facebook account! :3 YAY! HAHAHA omg i sounded so desperate. wth ._. okay.jpg
Oh! I got to take this shot with this awesome people just before I went home! <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p" yay="yay">
One of my favourite (Y) Isn'tshe cute? :3
Animangaki was really awesome c: Got to meet quite a number of new friends! :D yay
But then the next day was seriously hectic -.- I actually gave up my add maths half way the test. My brain almost shut down because of the lack of sleep and the tired-ness. haha
Ohwell.. It's OVER... Gonna fail add maths! T T all the best Charmaine . LOL * cheers self up *
Tag me on facebook if you have any pictures of me alright! :3 Thankkiu :3
Sorry bout the little informations in this blog post. I can't think much now, brain cells are dying ._. I'll edit it again when the time comes. :)
ReplyDeleteHey ! it's Grace here xD just stalked your blogs ~ It was fun taking photoshoots with you ;) Hope we could do that in future events (=w=) Chu going CF this year right ? =D
ReplyDeleteC: I'll reply you on facebook Grace! :D