This week is so hectic O:
Yesterday during youth, we were asked to pick a colour to describe your week and I was like, OhGawd It's not pink, it's not green, it's not yellow! What is it? O: What colour do I pick to describe a very up and down week? /:
In the end ; Colourless was it.
Sounds so emo. HAHA
But rearly ): to summarize my whole week, It wasn't great, at all... I think .
Anyway it's finally the weekend! :) yay The weekends really made my day!
But finally, I started studying :D * applause * for real . Haha . It's two more weeks more till the test starts! I must not fail my dad and my self ): I really need to buck up ): the stinky biology , physics , chemistry, history , modern maths and Add Maths ! I I I cannot call you stinky anymore T.T Sad I have to love you to get my nyan cat [ colourful / straight ] A's D:
I'll Strike my GOAL!
* cheer * cheer* cheer *cheer *
Ohhh... I was so surprise to see my long long time no see Girlfriend which is staying permanently in Penang now to be back here in KL :3 Was sho happy to see her! :D Even the other two girls was mad happy ! yay
Me, Amanda, Charity, Kaylee
I was like, must take picture must take picture! post in instagram post in instagram. :) lol
Also met Lionel and Charity, after so long not meeting them c: And and, little adorable Chloe was there too c:
She shaked too much /:
But but but, She loves my hello kitty phone :3 HAHA
Owhhhhh and this..
my little cute lychee tree
I can't believe my Lychee tree grew up green and healthy without much of my care D:
ps. I actually ffk this poor little fellow for more than a month /:
But but but it's so pretty. I shifted it from the pot the empty space outside my house so that It'll start growing in size c: If not if not we'll have to eat miniature lychee's in the future * How cuteeee * HAHA
Daddy was like : Your lychee tree stunted already la. You left it months in the pot and it never grew. LOL
._. Okay daddy ._.
Anyway,this is just a short post c: Didn't do any shopping this weekend c: so, Don't have anything much to update :P haha
Because I'm BROKE.
I only have 18 Ringgit left in my wallet -.- no joke
I'll shall end with this Spider! c:
eee.. It's on my head! 3 :
Rawr :3
Haha . Pastor Ooi Lin made this cute little being :3